Get to know us

Since the inception of Blooming Mallow in 2022, our idea has evolved into a sustainable start-up.

In our office in New Jersey, our talented team from diverse disciplines works together to develop both insightful and helpful content by sharing real-world experiences. And if you’re wondering what brought us folks together, well, first, our obvious love for hibiscus, and second, that we were all in a common Reddit community dedicated to hibiscus gardening.

From the day we started, we have been working closely and enthusiastically to develop Blooming Mallow into a one-stop gardening resource. Our mission is to share the knowledge of hibiscus with everyone for free and to continue to expand our website to include as many queries and concerns pertaining to this particular species of the mallow family.

Roopal (Founder & Author)

Roopal Mishra

Founder & Author

Together with her daughter, Roopal has planted several varieties of hibiscus in her home and on the patio. Her love for hibiscus has followed her for as long as she can remember. Be it in her living room, on her balcony, in her garden, or at her workplace, she wants to see them bloom.

Being a professional horticulturist with a creative and organized mind, Roopal enjoys writing content for Blooming Mallow. Along with the team she enthusiastically pushes the website forward. 

She is highly valued as a founder as well as writer. Plus, she has an ability to keep eye on important details. Roopal simply manages everything, and with her charming and straightforward personality, she keeps everyone in a good mood, even in the most stressful situations.

One of her major interests is in fertilizers. With a good understanding and a lot of expertise related to hibiscus, she is constantly on the quest to find good ideas and exciting content to make it easier for people to take care of their plants themselves.

A word from Roopal: I started with my balcony, which I transformed into a paradise with a variety of hibiscus plants, and eventually created my own hibiscus garden for my family to enjoy.

For me, gardening is a reward in itself.

And I agree that maintaining a large garden or many planters inside your home is often exhausting and takes a lot of time. But the hard work pays off because the reward is usually a blooming paradise. You lose all the stress, build a bond with your plants and end up getting fitter too. What more could you want out of life?

Preeti (Co-author)



With graceful writing skills coupled with richly illustrated guides, she manages to transform hard-to-understand facts into easily digestible and motivating infographics.

Her gardening tip is “Go Organic” and so, between the lines of her blogs, you can always sense the deep passion she has for topics such as vermicomposting and organic gardening.

While working with Blooming Mallow, Preeti primarily sticks with the close-up lens so as to capture photographs of blooms required to create new content on the website. Besides photography, she particularly enjoys turning fresh hibiscus flowers into skin care products, which, by the way, is her other favorite hobby turned successful business.

However, we often wonder where the mother of two gets all this knowledge: As a successful engineering graduate, reading is and has remained her true friend. Preeti not only talks about organic gardening and its benefits to nature; she lives by it. You can see more of her passionate work and some exclusive natural products she makes from plants and flowers on her website: Better Living And Home.

A word from Preeti: For the past few years, I’ve planted mostly hibiscus flowers in my garden. A few years ago, my husband and I moved to New Jersey and chose a sunny location as our new home to cultivate this hobby. My children love my hibiscus garden and all my plants are thriving.

Nidhi (Garden Consultant & Editor)


Garden Consultant & Editor

Nidhi is a dedicated homemaker, a mother of three, and a passionate gardener. Her love for gardening began with a single plant and has since grown to include flowers such as Hibiscus, Carnations, Begonia, Tulips, and Bougainvillea.

Nidhi’s commitment to gardening also extends to her role as an editor for our website. She ensures the content we share remains informative, engaging, and accurate. Her expertise in gardening and keen eye for detail makes her an invaluable member of our team.

Besides work, Nidhi enjoys spending time with her family and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in her home. She believes that plants are essential for creating a relaxing and peaceful environment. So, if you’re looking for inspiration, Nidhi is your perfect resource.

A word from Nidhi: I believe that gardening is both therapeutic and a rewarding hobby that can enhance one’s quality of life.

Bipin (Tech Manager)


Tech Manager

Partnering with Bipin is a godsend, as this creative Indian native is not only a great gardener but also a successful web developer. Every now and then he walks past behind all the fun activities we do, to create a better user interface while fixing known bugs on the site.

He is responsible for the coding, experimenting, maintaining, updating, and publishing – basically everything related to our website. Organized and passionate, he single-handedly manages the website without a hitch.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg – one of the things we really love about Bipin is his expertise in hibiscus grafting. All he wants to know is how many different colors you want on a single plant. Give him a month – and he’ll present them to you in a lush planter right outside your door.

By profession, Bipin works for a multinational conglomerate. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time gardening, hiking, biking, and playing with his kids.

To our amazement, Bipin recently demonstrated his skills once again by climbing Mt. Whitney!

A word from Bipin: I love taking care of my garden in spare time. It brings me joy and keeps me away from the materialistic life. And I basically love anything green. I sow, grow, and I eat. My garden is not only a habitat and a retreat for myself but also a paradise for my bees!